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Image by Lance Anderson

I'll excel at making the right paperwork for you

I've always loved playing with documents and spreadsheets to find the most effective way to present unusual information. Below are examples of paperwork that is customizable to your theatre or production. Please use the contact page to get in touch with me to discuss your needs and budget. If you need a form that is not listed below, please reach out, I'd love to collaborate on a new piece that you need!

Audition and Callback Sides

Clean and easy-to-read sides are a must for any audition and callback process. I use multiple programs to create legible lines, removal of extra dialogue without messy 'x' marks on the pages, clear start and stop marks, and individual side labeling. Both music and text sides are available for formatting!

Audition Forms

With digital submissions becoming more and more common, or just having information submitted online, having forms for auditionees to fill out can simplify the process for those involved in casting. Conditional formatting can also be used to sort people by union, role, and more.

Line Notes Templates

Taking line notes can be a time-intensive process. Use less paper and make distribution easier by using a spreadsheet! With conditional formatting you can easily type the correct line, sort by actor, and have a drop down menu of notes to categorize. (1).gif

COVID-19 Test Inventory

With theatres having COVID testing protocols in place, it can be hard to keep track of the number of tests on hand, and making sure they are accounted for. Using formulas, I have created a system that will show the total number of tests as you use them, creating a simple way to organize by expiration date, brand, and who is distributing the tests

COVID-19 Screening

Able to be used for rehearsals, performances, auditions, and more, this google sheet will help you screen all personnel without having to ask questions out loud. With the corresponding spreadsheet, any symptoms can be flagged to draw attention for administrators to check in.


File upload options allow for digital submission of vaccination cards as well.

© Copyright Katherine R. Swartzbeck 2024

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